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What Type of Access Control Do you Want to Use to Protect your Home?

Author: Ron Mcbride

What access control system should you be using? There are different ones available that you can choose from. You want to make sure you find out about the different ones before you decide. This will help you make your decision easier and will keep you and your family protected better.
Do you know what access control means? It is when a person is restricted from entering a certain place until they have been granted the privilege of entering with the use of access control systems. With access control you will know that you are safe when at home because it will restrict any outsiders who don't need to be there.
Here are some of the types of access control systems that you can choose to use. You want to make sure that you look at more than one access control before you decide which one would work better for your needs.
One: Thumb Print Door Lock - This will stop anyone from getting in because it will not open the door until it can read your thumbprint. So you will be the only one that can gain access inside.
Two: Deadbolt Locks - These are on most homes anyway but you want to make sure that this access control works properly to keep people out. If it doesn't than you want to replace it.
Three: Biometrics - This is a new form of access control systems that are available. These will grant access by using different physical traits to identify everyone that has access. If someone doesn't have access they won't be able to get past this system.
It is important that you give some thought to access control before you decide on what to use. All of the different access control systems will provide protection but you want to make sure that you get the right ones for your home. Talk to a professional and do some research to get all of the information you can so that you will have an easier time finding what will work best for you.
Also if you want to know more about access control for your small business or home, a little online research will definitely help. You can Google search access control and find there are plenty of companies that offer access control systems. You'll have a vast selection to choose from when you're ready to make your final decision.

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Home Insurance & Home Security Systems

Home Security Basics

Author: Brian Walker

Crime rates vary, but in many large cities they've actually gone down over the past few decades. Still, the population has grown and the need for security is still very much with us.

Home security systems used to be largely reserved for the well-to-do. This made sense when the systems were very expensive and they were installed to protect even more expensive possessions. Fortunately, things have changed. Now, even very modest homes can afford some level of home security, especially since many components of a total design require nothing but a little common sense.

The first step is to consider how a thief might view your home, and how they might access it and get away with your possessions or harm your family. Shoring up weak parts and adopting better habits is often as much a matter of being more aware as it is spending money.

When it comes time to invest in home security the range of options is enormous, luckily. Inexpensive window locks, low-cost double-key door lock/deadbolt systems and other such items are within reach of just about anyone. Even video surveillance systems, once the exclusive preserve of the wealthy that most of us saw only in TV shows and films, are now affordable by the majority of homeowners.

Safes, too, used to be largely for the rich. Today, prices range from $50 or less for a simple wall safe that will hold jewelry or a laptop to a few hundred dollars for a gun safe or floor model. Safe rooms, or panic rooms as they're popularly known, can turn an entire room into a safe that is both fire protective and impenetrable. Costs are higher than a free-standing safe, but often little more than an ordinary room addition or remodeling job.

Lighting systems, both inside the home and outside, have evolved over the years as costs have come down. In days past a simple on-off timer inside and outdoor floodlights were about the only choices. Today, even very modest expenditures can net you a system that can be connected to your PC, increasing their usefulness.

Personal security options have grown. Tasers, chemical sprays and other devices are often carried by individuals in large cities. Concealed firearms are still controversial and sometimes illegal.

Still, many of the old-fashioned methods continue to be effective. Guard dogs, behavioral changes and having your neighbors look out for you are still effective security tools.

People are beginning to reverse the decades-long slide that kept neighbors a stranger, increasing their vulnerability. Now it's widely recognized that an active neighborhood watch program increases security substantially at almost no cost, and not just in dollars but in time as well.

Investigate your home and personal security options and you'll discover there's much you can do to enhance the safety of your possessions and your loved ones. And, you don't have to have (or spend) a fortune to do it.

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Home Insurance & Home Security Systems

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Home Insurance & Home Security Systems

Cutting the Cost of Landlords Insurance

Author: Adam Singleton

Apart from agency fees and mortgage costs, the principal overheads associated with a property portfolio relate to maintenance and landlords insurance. If this sounds like we are mixing together two separate topics, then you might like to consider that maintaining your property in a good state of repair is an important factor in keeping down the costs of landlords insurance.

It is not that landlords' insurance premiums are directly related to property condition; however there is an indirect link that can make considerable difference to you. This is because the total cost of insurance is not just the premium, but also how a claim is settled. Failing to keep your property well looked after might not directly increase your landlord insurance premiums, but insurers may not wish to cover a poorly maintained property at all. And when it comes to paying a claim, the insurance company will look carefully at the state of the property to ensure that there is no degree of “betterment” in the settlement.

In other words, if premises already needed significant repairs before they suffered fire damage, the insurance company, when considering how much it will pay out for your fire claim, would take into account the money you would have had to spend on making them good in any event.

It is no good thinking that the building will be so badly damaged that the insurance company will never know - the majority of claims are not for total loss but for partial damage so there is likely to be plenty of evidence about. And even if the premises are totally destroyed, the underwriters may well look at the balance of your portfolio for an indication of how good the level of maintenance was.

If this sounds a bit too much like “big brother” for your taste, it is worth remembering that the money insurance companies pay out in claims comes from your landlords insurance premiums, so you do not want them paying out more than necessary to other people, or you will end up paying for their largesse.

Of course, it is important to ensure that you have the right landlord insurance in the first place. For residential buy-to-let properties, a standard home insurance policy will be unsuitable, partly because there is likely to be a condition that you are occupying the premises yourself, but also because some of the covers you will require are likely to be missing.

For example, only a special landlord’s insurance policy is likely to include insurance for loss of rent and to cover the cost of re-housing a tenant following damage (this is typically up to 30% of the buildings sum insured).

Similarly, most conventional home insurance policies will not cover extended periods of unoccupancy between lets, whereas a specialist landlord's insurance policy will be more flexible, albeit subject to some sensible precautions being taken.

Specialist landlord's insurance policies are also likely to be more accommodating when it comes to property construction; imposing additional charges only on exceptional properties such as those constructed substantially from timber or with a thatched roof. They will also include employers’ liability insurance, which is essential if you use direct labour for cleaning, repairs and so on.

Many of the landlords associations provide insurance schemes designed especially for buy to let investors and offering enhanced benefits and reduced costs for members. For many landlords, it is worthwhile joining one of these associations simply to take advantage of the competitively priced insurance deals.

Tags: Home Insurance, Insurance Company, Landlord Insurance, Loss Of Rent, Unoccupancy

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Home Insurance & Home Security Systems

Home Insurance: Avail Before It's Late

Author: Smith James

One of the dreams harboured by people around the world is to own a home for themselves. This has alway been a dream that had made quite a few people restless. However, it would be interesting to know that it is much easier to realise this dream in modern times than was the case couple of decades earlier. Emergence of several financial organisations which give loan quickly and without any hassles and at friendly interest rates have made it much easier for people to realise this dream of theirs at a remarkably young age. Quite an achievement because there was a time when people have to wait till their retirement and have to spend their lives earning to realise this ultimate dream of theirs. However, if by owning a house people think that they have realised their dream then they are sadly mistaken for they also have to protect there dream possession. Yes, there are quite a few potent threats that can leave your house in very bad shape. And spending on the repair can be quite a job. It is here that home insurance comes for one's rescue and ensures that he is spared from the trauma of arranging for the finance for the repair as it is the insurance companies that would do that for their clients.

In today's world when life has become so expensive it indeed is a difficult job to arrange money for the repair. First of all people have to repay their loans which in itself would consume a big chunk of their salary. On top of it if one has to spend on loans then the state of that family can easily be understood. Especially if that happens to be a middle class family.

It is in these critical times that home insurance comes for one's rescue and ensures that this unfortunate thing does not happen to anyone. However, to gain fully from home insurance one have to take care of a few things. First of all one must ensure that the policy comes to life as soon as it is signed. Then it is also advised that one finds out that what are the calamities that one's house is protected from. In addition to this one must also ensure that no wrong information is provided to the insurance company as well as the fact that there is no default on monthly premiums.

These precautions would go a long way in ensuring that home insurance serves the purpose of protecting ones dream possession from all sorts of threats.

Tags: Home Insurance, Online Insurance, Home Insurance Uk

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Home Insurance & Home Security Systems

Homeowners Insurance Comparisons - Where to Get the Best Rate

Author: Brian Stevens

Looking for homeowners insurance comparisons? Want to know where to compare quotes and get a cheap rate quickly and easily? Read on ...

What is homeowners insurance?

Homeowners insurance covers more than just your home. It also covers your personal possessions and protects you from personal liability lawsuits. Here's what it covers:

* Your home - Homeowners coverage pays to repair or rebuild your home after it's been damaged or destroyed by storms, fire, plumbing leaks, and vandalism. Damage from flooding or earthquakes is not covered under standard policies, so if you live in an area where you need these coverages you must purchase them separately.

* Your personal property - Homeowners insurance will replace your personal property, such as clothes, furniture, appliances, and electronics, when they're stolen or when they're damaged by fire, vandalism, storms, and plumbing leaks. Expensive items like jewelry or computers may not be covered under standard policies, but you can increase your coverage on these items if you need to.

* Your assets - If someone hurts himself on your property and sues you, your homeowners policy will pay damages awarded to him by the court, plus your legal fees and court costs.

* Your additional living expenses - If your home is damaged or destroyed and needs to be repaired or rebuilt, you'll be compensated for your additional living expenses (hotel bills, restaurant bills, etc.) if you need to live elsewhere.

How can I save money on my homeowners policy?

The best way to save money on your homeowners policy is to find a reliable company with cheap rates. You can do this quickly and easily by going to an insurance comparison website where you can get rate quotes from different A-rated companies. (See link below).

After you've found a company with cheap rate, you can lower your premium even further by raising your deductible. For example, by raising your deductible from $500 to $1,000 you'll save up to 25% on your insurance premium. Raising it to $2,500 will save you up to 35%.

Where can I compare rates from different companies?

Visit or click on the following link to get homeowners insurance rate comparisons from top-rated companies and see how much you can save. You can get more tips and advice in their Articles section, and get answers to your questions from an insurance expert by using their online chat service.

Tags: Homeowners Insurance

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Home Insurance & Home Security Systems

Breakdown Cover, Get a Mechanic Then There

Author: Smith James

There is nothing larger than life, and in this supremely large drama, one faces various problems at different turn of events. Sometimes ones own effort bails him out of the problem and sometimes he needs a helping hand to succour him. Thus, a man needs help at various points in his life. While any kind of help is always welcome, the one that comes exactly at the hour of need, like breakdown cover is valued highly.

A problem is not felt so seriously if there is solution close at hand. A genuine problem is the one that seems to have no solution and likely to cause loss to the person involved. One such problem is faced by people who set out for a long journey and suddenly their vehicle stops working in the middle of the road. Unless he has a breakdown cover against his vehicle, the inconveniences he is likely to face under such circumstances is beyond description.

There are various types of auto insurance policies and, breakdown cover is one among them. This type of insurance policy is taken to ensure that a person gets a mechanic then and there if the engine of his vehicle stops working while on journey. No matter whether there is a garage nearby or not, a mechanic will rush to the place where the vehicle is stranded. So, the inconveniences will not be there.

Breakdown cover is sold by almost all the car insurance companies. So, there is every chance of getting a suitable deal at reasonable cost by means of shopping and comparison. Terms and conditions of breakdown cover may vary from agency to agency. So, it is recommendable to be inquisitive enough to find out what all things are there in the insurance agreement. Reading the small prints before signing the dotted lines will really be worth it.


Home Insurance & Home Security Systems

Make Sure you and your Home are Covered

Author: Andrew Regan

Most Britons aspire to owning their own home, and those about to get on the first step of the property ladder need to ensure that they have all the relevant insurances against mishaps, not just those relating to the home but also to the homeowner.

Buildings insurance is a requirement of any mortgage lender, and it must be adequate enough to cover the entire cost of rebuilding the property. However, many people are unaware that it is not obligatory to have buildings insurance with their lender, and so do not shop around for quotes. Often cheaper insurance is available from other sources than the lender. Recent research from the Post Office suggests that mortgage borrowers lose an estimated £600million taking out the lender’s insurance rather than shopping around.

Having contents insurance ensures that the homeowner’s possessions will be replaced in case of disaster or theft or even accidental damage, depending upon the level of cover. Again it is important to shop around as levels of cover and premiums vary from insurer to insurer. Also ensure that cover is adequate for the entire value of possessions on a like-for-like replacement basis, and that insurers know about expensive or valuable items that may need to be recorded on the policy document.

Many people also opt to protect their income to ensure that they can continue to meet their monthly mortgage payments in case of their incapacity. There are two options; critical illness cover will pay out a lump sum if the policyholder contracts an illness preventing them from ever working again, or income protection cover which provides a monthly payout in cases where the policyholder is unable to work because of accident or illness.

Life insurance is also a must, especially in cases where the homeowner has dependents. In cases where uninsured persons leave behind a mortgage and have no life cover, those left behind may find it difficult to continue the mortgage repayments and the property may well end up being repossessed. In order to stop that happening take out adequate life insurance that will pay off the mortgage and provide a lump sum for any dependents.

The UK life insurance industry is currently very buoyant, offering lots of competition, so it is very important to compare life insurance quotes to get the best deal. Many homeowners opt for decreasing term life assurance which reduces the level of cover in line with reducing mortgage debt. That type of cover tends to be cheaper than level term assurance which provides a fixed amount of payout throughout the term of the insurance. In many cases employers offer life insurance as a part of their remuneration package so it is worth checking before taking out a policy.

Buying those four insurances ensures that homeowners can sleep soundly in their new house, confident that should any disaster befall them they will be covered. But remember whenever considering buying insurance it is advisable to first get independent financial advice.


Home Insurance & Home Security Systems

The Pros and Cons of Selling a Home in "as Is" Condition

Author: Stephanie Larkin

So, the house is not in "Like New" condition and is not as cosmetically pleasing as you'd like. Is it worth the time and money to fix it up before selling it? Maybe or maybe not.

When deciding whether or not to sell a home in "As Is" condition it is important to look at the ultimate goal. Many sellers simply want to get out form underneath a home. The price they get for the home is not as important as the selling of the home. Other sellers want to make a profit, by selling it for more than they purchased it for. And still others need to get a certain price for the home to cover their debt in the home. While there may be other situations, these are the three basic scenarios.

When looking at selling a house the pros and cons of selling "As Is" are really very simple. The basic concepts involve selling price, ability to sell quickly, and amount of effort put in. Of course, you have to weigh the need for a quick sale over the need for a specific price when considering this option. We'll look at the pros and cons from these two standpoints; needing to get rid of the house (Quick Sale) and needing to get a certain price (Specific Price.)

Quick Sale

When you are looking to get rid of a house, for whatever reason, you probably are not as concerned with the price. Although you will want to get a fair price, the amount is less important than the fact that it sells. Selling a home as is, in this situation, is actually a bit ironic. You probably have the money to do the repairs to get it in top shape but do not have the desire, or need, to do it.

The Pros:
In this situation you do not want to put much money into selling the home because you are simply looking to get rid of it. Wasting time and money on repairs for a little higher selling price is not a priority. Because you are willing to entertain reasonable offers, you will probably be able to make a quick sale. You might attract investment buyers who want to buy the property cheaper, fix it up, and turn it around for a profit. By selling "As Is" you are not implying anything and are offering no guarantees, either. The homebuyer knows that they are getting a property that will probably require some work.

The Cons:
Obviously, the sale price will be a little lower than it could be with some repairs. Many banks are less willing to offer financing to buyers who are looking at "As Is" properties, unless they have a good plan in place. If you don't attract the investors you might be spending a lot of time talking to, and showing the property to, people with little hope of financing. You stand the chance of unhappy homebuyers, even though they were told it was in "As Is" condition. Many people expect a house to be a particular way, no matter what.

Specific Price

Whether you bought the property to turn a profit or you need to get out of the debt on the property, you may need to sell the house for a specific price. This is a little tougher when selling "As Is." But, selling the property in the current condition may be the only option; due to economic situations, health conditions, etc.

The Pros:
If the price you need to get is low you can easily sell a house as is and make a quick sale. Many people are looking for "Fixer Upper" properties. They are willing to buy low, repair, and sell high. There is not a lot of cost, or time, involved in getting the home ready for selling. You can put your money into the down payment of a new place or into other needed areas. The money saved by not doing the repairs may offset the lower selling price.

The Cons:
You stand a chance of not getting the price you desire, or need, or holding on to the property for a long time, meaning continued debt for you. If you are not in an area with a lot of real estate investors looking to "Flip" a property you may have a hard time selling. Banks are usually harder on first time homebuyers and people with less-than-perfect credit when they are looking at an "As Is" home. The bank does not want to get stuck with a home that needs a lot of repairs, should they have to foreclose.

So, when looking at whether or not to sell a house "As Is", you need to consider whether or not you can afford to hold onto the property, or sell it for a lower price. The savings realized by skipping the repairs may offset the lower sale price.

Source: http://www.articlesbase.

Home Insurance & Home Security Systems

Security Cameras Give Owners The Feeling Of Safety And Comfort

Author: Ralph Winn

Because of the ever increasing rates of home burglaries in the United States, more people are realizing that their homes are not the safe sanctuary that they once used to be. As security cameras become more affordable, they are becoming more popular with people seeking to add more security to their homes and businesses.

Developed to keep an eye on anything within its vision, security cameras give owners the feeling of safety and comfort when they are at home or away. Because of the wide variety of choices, consumers now have an assortment to pick from when selecting the right security camera system to meet their needs.

Installation Location

Choosing the appropriate location to install a security camera is vital to successfully deter intruders. The homeowner needs to assess the property to determine what type of camera is required. Standard concerns include: entrances, exits, people who regularly visit, and the time of day and night visitors and family members come to the home. A homeowner also needs to decide if they want the camera hidden or on display to discourage an entry attempt.

Types of Security Cameras

It is important to consider what security camera fits your needs. Consumers now have a broad number of choices. The following highlights various popular security cameras:

Wired surveillance cameras - These cameras are appropriate for a long-term setup. If you have one location that you would like to constantly monitor and will not need it to be changed, a wired camera is a good choice. Some wired cameras may have to be professionally installed.

Wireless Security Cameras - Wireless cameras are increasingly becoming one of the more popular choices among consumers. These offer more flexibility in set up. They are easy to install, can be moved easily, are often small, have no tell-tale wires, and are very discreet. There are also night vision security cameras, such as the Low-Light Wireless that captures only black and white images. It is a good choice for dark locations

Home Surveillance Camera Packages - When purchasing a setup package for inside your home, you will often be provided with timers for your lamps and motion sensors to go with the wireless camera. From there, the images can then be viewed on a TV, cell phone, PDA, laptop, or desktop computer.

Concealed surveillance cameras - These cameras look like regular items. A clock in a living room, a doll in a child's room, or a potted plant by the door, could all easily be used to hide a surveillance camera. You can record without anyone knowing. These surveillance cameras are often purchased to watch nannies or home workers inside the home.

Webcam surveillance systems with motion sensors - This webcam surveillance system with software detects activity so that recording only occurs when something is moving in front of the motion sensors. The webcam does this by capturing two images, and then comparing them for irregularities. This set-up saves hard drive memory space and time because the captured images can be immediately e-mailed to the user. These software applications also allow the user to host the images through the built-in web server so that the user can access them by way of an IP address.

Wireless Sensors with Cameras - These cameras often comes motion and sound-detecting cameras, along with sensors that alert the homeowner if a door is open, if there's a leak, if there are temperature fluctuations, or if someone is approaching the front door. Once the images are captured, they are sent via a broadband connection to a computer, PDA or cell phone. Homeowners can also purchase motion sensors without cameras that alert the homeowner to intruders with high frequency radio wave signals. In other sensor systems, infrared light is applied to perceive heat changes.

Infrared Cameras - An infrared camera is able to see in the dark by providing its own light source. Light emitting diodes (LEDs) surround the camera lens and automatically turn on when it gets dark. Infrared cameras will provide a color picture during the daytime or when the area is well lit. When the built-in sensor detects darkness, it will turn on the LEDs and provide infrared lighting. You will then see in black and white. Clearness and distance will be determined by lens size, and quality and number of infrared LEDs.

Home Surveillance for Added Comfort

Today, homeowners can choose from a variety of home surveillance options that give a feeling of security when they are away from home. If there's trouble, they know they will be quickly alerted. Home surveillance technology will only get smaller and more reliable as technology improves, especially as computers and cameras work together to monitor security with a touch of a button. Because of the increased risk to our homes, it is important to safely secure your home and loved ones.


Home Insurance & Home Security Systems

Home Security Tips Help Protect Family and Home

Author: Madonna Jeffries

If you are concerned about home security you are one of the vast majority of Americans that consider this as one of the most important matters they currently face. As we all are aware crimes of burglary and theft continue to grow alarmingly. Even cities and suburbs that were once considered to be safe and crime free are now experiencing unparalleled levels of crime including theft, burglary as well as violent and armed hold-ups.

Well what can you, as a concerned homeowner, do to protect yourself, your family and property from the prospect of experiencing crime? Here are a number of quite simple and straightforward home security tips on how you can protect your home, family and assets.

While sophisticated security and alarm systems can make the homeowner feel more comfortable and secure often the cost of these systems are beyond the financial means of many people. So for people who are not able to afford the cost of installing alarm systems we have a few home security tips and suggestions that will help you in your war against petty crime.

First off you should check all doors leading into your home. Inspect the door to ensure they are not hollow because hollow doors are relatively easy and quick to break and this allows for quick undetected entry into your home. If you have any hollow doors (or doors with windows) consider replacing them with solid timber doors or better still with metal ones as this will be a serious deterrent to would-be thieves.

Where possible use loud alarms which are likely to scare away the vast majority of burglars. If you have sliding doors or windows it is recommended that as well as having a secure locking mechanism you also reinforce them by placing a wooden or steel pole in the sliding track to prevent the door or window from being forced open.

One of the best ways to assess the security of your home is to walk around the exterior perimeter and look for any weakness in your security precautions. For example it is strongly recommended not to allow trees or shrubs to grow in front of windows, especially in the rear of the home. The foliage is a perfect camouflage for any burglar while they are attempting to gain access to your home.

A further home security tip is to eliminate dark areas around the home by installing small lights near shrubbery so as to allow you to light up these areas at night or to connect the lighting with motion sensors so as to help ward off potential thieves.

View Your Home Through The Eyes Of A Burglar

It is well known that most burglars, even the most professional and proficient, will only try to enter the house that offers the least resistance. Their method of operation is almost universal in that they want to get in and get out as quickly as possible without drawing attention to themselves. As a deterrent why not put up signs warning that your home has a security system installed as this can often cause burglars to ignore your home and keep moving to the next house in the neighborhood.

Other home security tips include always keeping the curtains drawn at night and when ever the property is unoccupied always keep your valuables out of sight. It is common knowledge that many burglars target the theft of expensive, high-demand electronics which they can see sitting on tables and desks. So as a precaution ensure that these items are placed out of view.

If burglars can not observe easy accessible property from their vantage point outside then it is highly unlikely that they will try to gain access to your home on the off chance that you possess something worth their effort.

Always close and lock windows and doors at night and when you are out. Draw your curtains at night or when the house is unattended. Install external security lights, preferably those that are activated by motion sensors and ensure your valuables cannot be seen from the outside. By taking a few simple precautions with these home security tips will be well on your way to protecting your family and property.

Tags: Home Security Tips, Home Safety Tips, Home Security Advice, Tips For Home Security, Home Safety Advice

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Home Insurance & Home Security Systems

The Value of Home Security Safes

Author: Lawrence Hilliard

A basic locking cabinet can secure valuable papers or personal items but it will not protect them from theft or fire damage. Only safes can provide a superior level of protection for documents, jewelry, guns and personal items. Computer data that would be difficult or impossible to duplicate if lost. Home and business security systems require the addition of security safes to eliminate the possibility of data and document loss due to fire and climate disruptions.

The proliferation of home robberies are classified as "snatch and grab." The intruder invests approximately 3-5 minutes within the home. The very presence of a home security safe is a deterrent to such robberies. Any additional time invested within the home increases the odds of apprehension. Theft prevention and climate control management have rendered security safes a requirement for any home, office or business. The needed security afforded by home and business safes completes any existing security control system. Home security safes offer protection of personal documents, jewelry and irreplaceable items. Home safes are a major deterrent from robbery and provide needed security from fire and climate changes. Advance Safes offer a large inventory of wall safes, floor safes, fire safes, gun safes, and electronic digital safes. Home safes are a perfect compliment to any home security system.

Fire could destroy your business! In fact, eight businesses burn almost every hour in the U.S. resulting in over 2.3 billion dollars in annual losses.* Unfortunately, seven out of ten businesses have not adequately protected their vital records. When that information is destroyed a business often fails. Don't become a company that incurs fire damage resulting in critical loss of data (customer, personnel, accounting files, etc.) by not utilizing quality fire and data media safes. Survival is possible but preparation is necessary.

Security safes are an essential protection against fire, theft and climate changes. Theft prevention, fire protection, data security and storage are a requirement for any business or home office. Advance Safes offer a complete inventory of fire safes, data media safes, depository safes, floor safes, treasury safes (TL-15 and TL-30), vaults and hotel safes. Whatever the security needs of a single office or a network of facilities, Advance Safes can tailor a specific security safe for your company requirements. A security system without a high security safe is not a complete theft prevention system. A quality safe is an essential requirement for any business security system. A safe investment is a long-term security dividend. Please consider our inventory of security safes as a welcome addition to any home or office environ.


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